This technology describes ALEX III, a robotic bilateral exoskeleton designed for human gait training. This treadmill-based bilateral exoskeleton can be attached to patients to apply controlled forces to the pelvis, knee, and ankle joints. It has the potential for use in physical therapy, which is commonly used for gait rehabilitation following neurological or physical impairments. In addition to its use in physical rehabilitation clinics, this technology may be used to help researchers gain a better understanding of the motor control system.
Unlike its predecessor ALEX II, ALEX III contains four active degrees of freedom at the pelvis, for a total of 12 actively controlled degrees of freedom. The amount of motion provided to the person can be limited or allowed to determine what is the optimal design to gain the best rehabilitative care. Most of the mechanical components are located behind the wearer's legs so that the subject can freely swing their arms while walking. The active degrees of freedom allow for the application of assistive, resistive or perturbing forces at the pelvis and/or legs.
Patent Pending
Tech Ventures Reference: IR CU14304