This technology is an automated microchip biodosimetry tool that accurately assesses levels of radiation exposure for rapidly screening large populations.
Unmet Need: High-throughput radiation biodosimetry device
Treatment of radiation exposure requires quick evaluation and assessment of at-risk individuals. While personal radiation monitoring badges are available, they require long-term wear by the individuals as they monitor accumulated dosage. The badges cannot be used to evaluate sudden exposure in individuals, thus requiring expertise of specialized physicians in events of emergency. There is a need for a simple biodosimetry tool that can be utilized by the public for quick and accurate determination of degree of radiation dosage for multiple patients.
The Technology: Automated biodosimetry tool tracks genetic markers to determine radiation dosage
This microchip is a biodosimetry device that evaluates blood samples for genetic changes. The tool tracks a genetic biomarker, y-H2AX, which is highly sensitive for radiation exposure and is evaluated through immunofluorescent measurements. Blood samples are collected by a small finger prick, and analyzed using a micronucleus assay to determine extent of damage in chromosomes. The assay accounts for individual variance in patients and correlates the detected damage with radiation dosing.
- Quantitative analysis of radiation levels in individuals exposed during large-scale radiation exposure
- Analysis of radiation levels in civilians at high-risk to exposure
- Monitoring of radiation levels in medical staff and patients
- High-throughput device enables radiation assessment for thousands of samples per day
- Cost-effective
- Automated assessment prevents user error
- Minimally-invasive blood sample acquisition
- Maintains specificity for individuals even after thousands of samples
- Accurate determination of exposure based on genetic changes
Lead Inventor:
David Brenner, Ph.D.)
Patent Information:
Patent Issued (US 9,255,348)
Patent Issued (US 8,619,264)
Related Publications:
Garty G, Bigelow AW, Repin M, Turner HC, Bian D, Balajee AS, Lyulko OV, Taveras M, Yao YL, Brenner DJ. “An automated imaging system for radiation biodosimetry.” Microsc Res Tech. 2015 May 4; 78(7): 587-598.
Turner HC, Shuryak I, Taveras M, Bertucci A, Perrier JR, Chen C, Elliston CD, Johnson GW, Smilenov LB, Amundson SA, Brenner DJ. “Effect of dose rate on residual y-H2AX levels and frequency of micronuclei in X-irradiated mouse lymphocytes.” Radiat Res. 2015 Mar;183(3):315-24.
Repin M, Turner HC, Garty G, Brenner DJ. “Next generation platforms for high-throughput biodosimetry.” Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2014 Jun;159(1-4):105-10.
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