This technology is a method of producing B. subtilis spores that express recombinant proteins while maintaining wild type genetics.
Genetically modified spores from Bacillus subtilis have many favorable properties that make them promising tools for agricultural, medical, and industrial applications. While wild type B. subtilis is generally considered safe and has been commercialized, concerns over the safety of spores with recombinant DNA and their potential release into the environment have hindered applications beyond the capabilities of the natural organism.
This technology utilizes plasmids which self-digest following sporulation, after expression of desired proteins is complete. In vitro data has shown that this approach can produce recombinant protein-expressing spores that contain no detectable plasmid or chromosome alteration. This technology could circumvent current concerns around GMOs and enable the use of these spores for a broad range of applications.
Juan Manuel de Jesus Flores Quijano
IR CU20335
Licensing Contact: Dovina Qu