Columbia Technology Ventures

Cider: combability software for using native applications in foreign operating systems

This technology, Cider, is a binary compatible graphics support in mobile operating systems that allows applications created for one operating system to operate on an alternate operating system.

Unmet Need: operating system-agnostic software applications

Most mobile phone applications are designed for a specific operating system (typically iOS or Android) and cannot be used in an alternate operating system. As a result, users are unable to switch between devices or access as many applications as they may otherwise intend to use. Although several applications address this issue by building separate versions for different operating systems, there is not currently a method for using an application specifically designed for one operating system within another one.

The Technology: compatibility software for moving applications across operating systems

This technology, Cider, is a binary compatibility algorithm allowing a native operating system to receive functions from an application designed for a foreign operating system, and conversely allowing the native operating system to send functions to the foreign application. This software designs a particular application programming interface to allow the foreign application to interact with the operating system by creating objects, storing and retrieving information from virtual containers, and load and link libraries. As a result, Cider enables users of Android mobile phones to run Apple-based applications on their devices, and vice versa.

This technology has been implemented to run iOS-specific applications on an Android operating system.


  • Cross-platform software compatibility between iOS and Android
  • Universal emulator for mobile systems


  • Allows for binary compatibility of mobile device software
  • Enhanced support for graphics-intensive software
  • Simulates multithreading capabilities on Android devices
  • Allows native software access to previously restricted APIs
  • Requires minimal overhead

Lead Inventor:

Jason Nieh, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Status

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