This technology is a silicone extraventricular drain (EVD) containing multiple platinum contacts that are wired to an external electroencephalography (EEG) apparatus. These contacts are positioned within the brain’s gray matter to obtain EEG recordings while the EVD concurrently enables clinical management of excess intracranial fluid accumulation.
Patients afflicted with acute neurological disease or injury frequently require bedside insertion of an EVD for management of intracranial pressure and drainage of excess cerebrospinal fluid. A large portion of these patients are also in various unresponsive or neurologically impaired states that necessitate accurate monitoring of the effects of disease or injury on brain activity.
Traditional extracranial EEG is limited by poor spatial resolution and susceptibility to recording artifacts. While intracranial electrodes can afford increased recording quality, the insertion of such devices, in addition to an EVD, expose patients to increased procedural risks. Combining trans cortical mini-depth multicontact electrodes (TCMEs) with an EVD enables concurrent acquisition of accurate brain activity recordings and clinical management of intracranial pressure with reduced patient risk.
Allen E. Waziri, M.D.
Patent Pending (US 20100168532)
Tech Ventures Reference: IR 2395