Lead Inventor:
Scott A. Snyder, Ph.D
Synthesizing Compounds from Natural Materials
Compounds that can potentially delay or reverse the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington's disease, are highly sought after. Natural products offer a vast selection of biologically active starting material for synthesis of potential candidates. To tap into this rich reservoir, chemical approaches to synthesize complex molecules from natural building blocks need to be developed. Such compounds could be developed into Huntington's disease drugs.
Synthesized Oligomeric Neolignans Display Activity Against Huntington's Disease
Using rosmarinic acid a building block, the total synthesis of a set of novel oligomeric neolignans is disclosed in this invention. Each of the building blocks has its own biological activity as a potent antioxidant. The oligomeric synthetic neolignans have an established activity against the avian Myeloblastoma virus. Screens showed that one of the oligomers has the ability to rescue cells affected by Huntington's disease without toxicity to normal cells.
• Protecting cultured cells from cell death induced by expression of mutant huntingtin gene.
• Reducing cell death induced by mutant huntingtin protein.
• Drug candidate for Huntington's disease.
• Starting materials are commercially available
• Few and controlled synthetic steps.
• The synthetic compounds have unique structures that are not found in other natural compounds.
• The end product has higher purity than starting material.
• The final product is non-toxic to normal cells
Patent Status: Patent Pending.
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support
Publications: Snyder SA. and Kontes F., Explorations into neolignan biosynthesis: concise total syntheses of helicterin B, helisorin, and helisterculin A from a common intermediate.
J. Am Chem. Soc, 2009 Feb 11;131(5):1745-52.