Lead Inventors:
Henry Spotnitz, M.D.
Real-Time Hemodynamic Analysis of Pacemakers
Optimized temporary biventricular pacing (BiVP) may be a useful treatment for acute heart failure after cardiac surgery. Pacemaker optimization is typically done by analyzing off-line the effects of pacemaker settings on cardiac output and other hemodynamic indices, leading to a lag between running protocols and determining optimal settings. Because there is little time available for optimization intraoperatively, pacemaker optimization is often incorrect (or absent), leading to suboptimal pacemaker settings. Therefore, there is a need for rapid and real-time hemodynamic analysis.
Hemodynamic Analysis During Biventricular Pacing
This technology consists of a customized computer-based system for rapid and real-time hemodynamic analysis during BiVP optimization. An algorithm defines optimum BiVP timing parameters based on physiological data, and determines average values for variables like cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, etc. within specified time intervals. A graphical display aids in determining which pacemaker settings maximize the measured variable. The algorithm can perform multiple iterations to refine the results.
• Rapid and real-time optimization of biventricular pacing
• Real-time optimization as opposed to offline analysis
• Optimization based on physiological measurements
• Intuitive display of data and hemodynamic indices
Patent Status: Patent pending
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support