This technology is a method for functionalization of thermoresponsive and pH-degradable polyacetal polymers to enable controlled delivery of molecules for use in medicine, agriculture, and cosmetics, among other applications.
Stimuli-responsive polymers are an area of active interest for researchers in nanotechnology and nanomedicine. In particular, temperature- or pH-sensitive polymers have the potential to improve controlled release of small molecules to prolong activity and efficacy, and expand the range of potential applications.
This technology describes a method for functionalization of thermoresponsive and pH-degradable polyacetal polymers to enable controlled delivery of small molecules with alcohol functional groups. This approach enables incorporation of a wide variety of molecules into the polymeric network that are subsequently released under specific temperature and pH conditions, prolonging activity and efficacy. Potential applications include sustained release of cosmetic fragrances and controlled delivery of drugs and agrochemicals, among others.
Patent Pending
IR CU17299
Licensing Contact: Satish Rao