Lead Inventor:
Philip Anzalone
Computer Numerical Controlled milling to automate custom furniture design and production:
The furniture market is highly competitive due to standardized design and globalized production. Unique furniture is desired by customers but prohibitively expensive due to the requirement for handmade production. The ability to automate custom furniture production would potentially add value while keeping production costs low.
Mass production of customized furniture designs using Computer Numerical Controlled milling :
This technology, called
Softshelf, is a system and method for customizable furniture design. The system was tested for shelf design. Five design parameters can be varied by the customer to create a unique design. A Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) milling machine carries out the furniture production. The precision milling combined with the strength and flexibility of wood allows wide variation of the parameters and creation of unique shelves. Other furniture items such as chairs and benches are possible using this system.
• Customizable furniture design and production
• Unique shelf designs are possible
• Customer control of design parameters
• Automated milling lowers production costs (vs. handmade)
Patent Status: Patent Pending
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support
Softshelf website
Press release for Softshelf