Many epileptic patients require long term EEG monitoring to detect and evaluate brain activity for signs of seizure. Long term EEG monitoring involves implantation of electrodes on the brain’s surface, and recent advances in EEG technology have moved towards the implantation of hundreds of miniaturized electrodes to achieve higher resolution images of brain activity. More electrodes result in more data to be processed, and this technology enables the visualization of data at this larger scale to help technicians interpret brain activity. Thus, this technology allows clinicians to maximize the potential of state-of-the-art EEG technology for improved evaluation of brain activity with dynamic configuration and assisted visual review.
This technology provides clinicians with a user-friendly, customizable graphical interface to visualize EEG results. Raw data from electrodes are integrated to confer a single, virtual trace that allows clinicians to make more accurate diagnoses. Furthermore, one or more channels can be grouped to effectively zoom in on areas in the brain likely to be the source of epileptic episodes. This technology equips the clinician with improved ability to manipulate and interpret high-resolution EEG data for real time monitoring, as well as analysis of saved footage for surgical intervention planning.
Ronald G. Emerson, Ph.D.
Patent Issued (US 9,474,462)
Tech Ventures Reference: IR 2795