Columbia Technology Ventures

Efficient light propagation through optical fiber and photonic integrated circuit (PIC) interfaces for optical telecommunications

Efficient light propagation through optical fiber and photonic integrated circuit (PIC) interfaces for optical telecommunications

Optical telecommunications devices require efficient light propagation through photonic integrated circuits (PICs) to off-chip integrated systems for high-fidelity communication. Current devices require restrictive high-precision design configurations to ensure effective light coupling between the optical fiber and PIC interface. This technology provides a robust high-tolerance design configuration that can efficiently couple light through optical fiber-PIC interfaces even with high misalignment.

High-tolerance evanescent light coupling for cost-competitive PIC integrated systems

Evanescent light, a strong localized wave generated at a boundary, is utilized to effectively couple light across the interface of a tapered optical fiber and waveguide attached to the PIC. Existing approaches rely on precision alignment between the optical fiber and waveguides. These require delicate, expensive fabrication and are further prone to efficiency losses when spatial misalignment occurs. In this technology, the optical fiber and waveguide are designed to optically maximize the strength of the evanescent light, improving light coupling efficiency through the photonic integrated circuit. The fiber is tapered to increase the strength of the evanescent field. The waveguide is designed to repeatedly interface with the optical fiber, so as to increase coupling. Additionally the shape of the waveguide and optical fiber are designed to maximize mode-matching.

The efficiency of the optical fiber-PIC interface light coupling has been demonstrated through simulation, showing 98% efficiency in one specific configuration.

Lead Inventor:

Dirk Englund, Ph.D.


  • Optical telecommunications
  • Lasers
  • Optical modulators
  • Biomedical imaging
  • Optical interconnects
  • Light emitting diodes (LEDs)
  • Optical detectors


  • Simplifies light coupling process
  • Achieves high efficiency light coupling
  • Lowers cost of light coupling mechanism
  • Provides robust design that is highly tolerant to alignment mismatches

Patent information:

Patent Pending (WO/2013/103431)

Tech Ventures Reference: IR CU12066

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