This technology is an electrochemical process that enables hydrometallurgical extraction of copper from low-quality ores.
Current methods for extracting copper utilize a smelting process in which chalcopyrite, the most abundant copper-containing mineral composite found in nature, is heated to high temperatures, releasing greenhouse gases that are detrimental to the environment. Moreover, smelting can only be used to extract copper from high-quality copper ores, the reserves of which are dwindling. In view of this, a method for clean, affordable extraction of copper, especially from lower-grade ores is needed.
This technology utilizes electrochemistry to convert chalcopyrite into mineral phases from which copper can be more readily extracted via hydrometallurgical methods. The electrochemical reactor design can be optimized to yield formation of covellite or cuprite, from which copper can be recovered using less energy-intensive and more environmentally-friendly methods than smelting. This efficient and scalable technology can be applied to low-grade ores, providing a cleaner and more affordable approach for extraction of copper.
IR CU19078
Licensing Contact: Dovina Qu