Lead Inventor:
Angelos Keromytis, Ph.D.
Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers:
Distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) can be easily launched on a centralized them. This can prevent legitimate users from accessing the services. There is a need to differentiate legitimate users from attackers and allow only legitimate users to access the services.
Denial of Service Web Attacks Prevented with Turing Tests, Firewalls:
The technology uses two stages to prevent a DDoS attack. First, it uses graphic Turing tests to differentiate legitimate users from automated attackers. Second, it uses a set of distributed firewalls to allow legitimate users to access the services.
• Prevent active DoS from denying access to critical administrative infrastructure
• Protecting web services and web servers
Patent Status: Copyright
Morein et. al, Using graphic turing tests to counter automated DDoS attacks against web servers, (2003), CCS.
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support