While graphene has numerous applications, few techniques yield its controlled development. This technology describes a method for producing a precisely patterned single-layer graphene. Here, a thin film of graphene is deposited on a passivated substrate via molecular beam epitaxy. The user can determine the final shape of the deposited layer through a prepatterning process, enabling complex circuit fabrication.
Graphene deposition via molecular beam growth allows direct fabrication of complex electrical circuits on traditional semiconductor materials.
Current manufacturing limitations related to material handling have hindered the commercialization of graphene sheets. This technology aims to make graphene available for a wide range of applications. Via passivation, a highly-pure, precisely-patterned graphene sheet can be produced directly on a substrate of interest. In this way, graphene sheets may be produced to improve any electrical system (i.e., solar cell, transistor, battery, semiconductor) by increasing conductivity, lowering power consumption and enhancing efficiency.
Lead Inventor:
Aron Pinczuk, Ph.D.
- Applied as a data storage unit for flexible flash memory.
- Improved electricity transmission in solar cells.
- Industrial manufacturing of complex circuit design for highly intricate electronics.
- Potential use as a photodetector in ultra-short burst laser technology.
- Large-scale production of graphene sheets suitable for immediate commercial use.
- Allows for fabrication of large-area thin-films on suitable substrates.
- Fabrication technique produces a highly pure and mobile graphene sheet.
- Graphene sheets can be produced on a variety of substrates (e.g., SiO2, mica).
- Patterned substrates produce complex circuit designs and can be used in high-density electronics.
- Able to conduct electricity up to 30 times faster than normal wire.
- Use in potential applications would increase conductivity and lower power consumption, thus reducing costs.
Patent information:
Patent Pending
Licensing Status:
Available for licensing and sponsored research support
Tech Ventures Reference: IR CU13066
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