This technology is a method for producing recombinant natural antibodies that can be used as a replacement therapy for immunoglobulin deficiency.
Patients born with immunoglobulin deficiencies must be treated with immunoglobulin replacement therapy to prevent repeated bacterial infections caused by lack of natural antibodies. These replacement antibodies are purified from pooled plasma collected from a large number of healthy donors. However, plasma supply shortage is a continual risk that could severely disrupt treatment, and there is currently no alternative source of recombinant human antibodies for the treatment of immunoglobulin deficiencies.
This technology defines a population of neonatal thymic antibody-producing B cells that can be used to generate recombinant antibodies for the treatment of antibody deficiency. Blending of multiple recombinant antibodies with complementary reactivity profiles generates a polyclonal mixture that reacts to most common pathogenic bacterial strains. Importantly, the mixture consists of antibodies known to confer protective immunity in healthy newborns, which are absent in children suffering from immunoglobulin deficiencies. As such, this technology provides a sustainable and reliable source of human recombinant natural antibodies for replacement therapies.
Patent Pending
IR CU20055
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez