While dehydration in children is pervasive in third world countries with limited access to clean drinking water, an estimated one out of every seven children in the US is inadequately hydrated. Even mild dehydration can result in decreased mental and physical performance, altering a child’s mood, mental state and learning capacity. In US schools, while water fountains are available their ease of use and efficacy in preventing dehydration is extremely limited. This technology attempts to mitigate this hydration problem by integrateing a water bottle into a child’s toy doll. By making the doll an attractive children’s toy, the technology aims to promote regular water consumption and reduce dehydration.
The KidCup is a water bottle with the exterior design of an appealing children’s toy such as a princess doll. The water reservoir fills the doll body, the neck of the doll is dually the neck of the water bottle, the doll arms are the bottle handles, the head is the screw top, and the hair is molded into a straw cover. This technology allows for multiple doll designs, and headpieces can be easily swapped between KidCups for versatility and to fulfill the child’s creativity. Parents and caregivers carry multiple toys, snacks, drinks, and other necessaries for children. This technology additionally reduces the number of separate items parents must carry by integrating a toy with a water bottle.
Rachel Joy Collens
Available for licensing and sponsored research support
Tech Ventures Reference: IR CU13218
Further Information: Columbia | Technology Ventures Email: TechTransfer@columbia.edu