This technology is an uplink interference mitigation scheme for femtocell networks that reduces inter- and intra-tier interference and maximizes throughput across the system.
Femtocells, or small cellular base stations, can be deployed by mobile operators to increase coverage in service-limited locations. Femtocell deployments can be classified as co-channel, in which all channels are shared, but this operation introduces interference. Contrastingly, the deployments can be classified as orthogonal, in which the channel is divided into specific fragments, but this operation inefficiently uses the spectrum.
This technology is an interference mitigation strategy for orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA)-based femtocell networks with partial co-channel deployments. The interreference scheme is composed of two tiers of mitigation: inter and intra. In inter-tier mitigation, a user is defined as a “regular user” who can use dedicated or shared subcarriers, or a “femto-interfering user” who can only use dedicated subcarriers. In the intra-tier mitigation, subcarriers are allocated to macrocells and femtocells based on allocation algorithms and networks configurations.
This technology has been validated in simulations to demonstrate dual-tier interference mitigation and enhanced throughput across the system.
IR M11-089
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel