Restenosis is a major side effect of life-saving stent operations. Stents are implanted in patients with cardiovascular disease, where the blood vessels become constricted with atherosclerotic plaque buildup. Methods to prevent restenosis would decrease financial and physical burden on patients. Targeted radiation therapy after stent implantation can lead to prevention of restenosis. This technology describes a method comprising of three balloons that can be filled with radioisotopes to prevent restenosis. Each balloon can be filled with different radioisotopes, allowing for the treatment of targeted areas with different therapeutics.
By decreasing restenosis rates, coronary artery interventions may become more popular. Other methods to prevent restenosis include use of stents that can emit radiation, but these devices can only be implanted after the optimal time window to prevent smooth muscle regrowth. Another involves delivery of unspecified doses of radiation through a catheter; however, the radiation shields on these devices make it unfeasible for use in narrow arteries. This three-balloon method allows for delivery of radiation specifically to tissues of interest in a timely manner, and will allow for use of less radiation and decrease rates of restenosis.
Judah Z. Weinberger, M.D.,Ph.D.
Patent Issued (WO/2000/054836)
Tech Ventures Reference: IR 853