This technology describes urea-sensitive aptamers for detection of urea in real-time from patients’ blood and effluent fluid during dialysis.
Accurate measurement of urea clearance during dialysis is vital, in order to determine the appropriate length and frequency of dialysis treatment. Rate of clearance is calculated from the amount of urea removed during a dialysis session, and this information is used to implement any necessary treatment adjustments (i.e. session length, dialysate flow, blood flow), determine any potential mechanical failures, and inform dosing of any medications on dialysis. Existing detection methods are costly and time-intensive, and there are no reliable methods for monitoring dialysis progress in real-time. There is a need for accurate, real-time assessment of urea clearance to better inform treatment regiments and prevent negative side effects of dialysis.
This technology is a method for real-time monitoring of urea clearance during dialysis using urea-sensitive, oligonucleotide-based aptamers. These aptamers bind specifically to urea, and can be used in dialysis monitoring devices to determine the levels of labeled and unlabeled urea. Additionally, this technology is compatible with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and can be used for rapid detection of patients with elevated urea concentrations. This technology provides fast and accurate measurements, can be used to calculate dialysis clearance rate in real-time, and can guide treatment dosing and frequency recommendations.
Patent Pending
IR CU19092
Licensing Contact: [Jerry Kokoshka] (