This technology is a microwell design that enables focused imaging of rare or scarce cells and allows for cell recovery post-imaging.
Current microscopy techniques require large volumes of cells, of which only a small number are in the observable area. This is especially challenging in the study of rare cell populations, due to their scarcity in biological samples. In addition, there is often a need to modify the surfaces of culture environments for analysis of these cell types, in devices that are compatible with commonly used microscopy equipment.
This technology is a custom microwell system that enables focused imaging of rare or small cell samples. It provides a simple, cost-effective solution to concentrating a small number of cells in a large volume of media to an observable area which can easily be found with existing microscopes. The microwells are conically shaped, enabling the imaging area to be 100x more concentrated than the opening of the well. Additionally, the wells can also be microprinted to allow for surface modifications, and rare cells can be spared in the wells for further downstream analysis. This technology has the potential to increase ease of imaging of rare cells across several realms of life sciences research, including autoimmune disease and cancer diagnostics.
IR CU12297, CU20234
Licensing Contact: Dovina Qu