Lead Inventor:
Gerard Karsenty, M.D., Ph.D.
Bone development and metabolism studies use mouse strain
Understanding the process of bone development and maintenance is critical to the treatment of diseases such as osteoporosis. Activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) is a transcription factor that accumulates predominantly in osteoblasts, where it regulates virtually all functions linked to the maintenance of bone mass. This technology provides an ATF4 KO strain of mice that can be used to study ATF4 function on bone development and organismal metabolism. Conditional ATF4 KO mice are also available to study ATF4 function in specific cell types.
Osteoporosis studies use mouse strain with inhibited insulin secretion and decreased insulin sensitivity
Since Atf4-/- mice have smaller fat pads than littermate controls, the influence of ATF4 on energy metabolism was investigated. Analysis of Atf4-/- mice showed that ATF4 inhibits insulin secretion and decreases insulin sensitivity in liver, fat, and muscle. Several lines of evidence indicated that the function of ATF4 on metabolism occurred through its osteoblastic expression.
• The study of the role of ATF4 in bone development
• The study of the role of ATF4 in metabolism
• This technology provides a model system to study bone development and maintenance
Patent Status: Copyright
Licensing Status: Copyright / Material available for Express Licensing
Activating Transcription Factor 4 Knock-out Mice
The transcription factor ATF4 regulates glucose metabolism in mice through its expression in osteoblasts. J Clin Invest. 2009 Sep;119(9):2807-17.