Since donor-reactive T-cell receptors (TCRs) target and trigger immune responses against transplanted organs, they can also be used as biomarkers for tolerance or rejection in organ transplant recipients. Unique donor-reactive TCRs are identified for transplant recipients and their presence is monitored over time. With reductions in donor-reactive TCRs indicative of organ tolerance, these biomarkers can serve as valuable diagnostics in transplant medicine.
This technology uses donor-reactive TCRs as biomarkers for tolerance or rejection in blood, bone marrow, and end-organ transplant recipients. In addition to being independent of other markers and methods for diagnosing organ rejection and tolerance, this technology identifies donor-reactive TCRs that are unique to each transplant recipient. Monitoring these specific TCRs over time provides personalized transplant diagnostics, allowing individualized post-transplant management strategies.
The reproducibility in identifying donor-reactive TCRs using mixed lymphocyte reactions has been demonstrated. In addition, donor-reactive TCRs have been identified in a combined kidney and bone marrow ITN036ST transplant patient, with reductions in TCR levels observed 6 months and 1.5 years after transplant.
Patent Pending
Available for licensing and sponsored research support
Tech Ventures Reference: IR CU13302