This technology is an ultraviolet radiation sensitive thin-film that can be used for far-UVC detection and dosimetry monitoring.
Current methods to detect and monitor UV involve complicated and expensive radiological equipment. Far-UVC, which has a wavelength between 200-230 nm, can eliminate bacteria or viruses without toxicity to humans. With the increasing reliance on far-UVC irradiation to sanitize and sterilize equipment, monitoring exposure to far-UVC rays is critical.
This technology uses an ultraviolet radiation sensitive film that can be applied on a card-like object for portable and rapid UVC-dosimetry monitoring. The film reacts with far-UVC wavelengths and changes color over time with increased exposure. The dosimeter can be used with a smartphone application to monitor increases in far-UVC irradiation. Additionally, this method of detection can also be read by the naked human eye, allowing for rapid, real-time detection of far-UVC exposure.
This technology has been validated and characterized with optical spectroscopy.
Patent Pending
IR CU21060
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez