Lead Inventor: Anthony Acampora, Ph.D.
Algorithm to determine mesh assignment in telecommunications network service area when a new station is added:
In a telecommunications network with a shared optical medium, the medium provides optical channels which interconnect access stations, and the access stations prepare user signals for transport over the medium.
Recursive mesh network for connecting varying number of access stations:
To connect a varying number of access stations within a service area in a modular fashion, the technology considers a recursive algorithm to determine how to assign the mesh in the service area when a new station is added.
• Forming recursive mesh network with extra-planar links for connecting varying number of access stations
• The recursive grid network allows modular scalable networks to be constructed
• It also allows routing to be performed in the network with bounded size routing tables at every node, independent of network size
• The network maps well to geographically distributed switches
Patent Status: Patent Issued (US 5,530,575, WO/1996/008091) ~ see links below.
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support