Lead Inventor:
Eric Kandel M.D.
Detection of RNA-protein interactions :
Interactions between nucleic acids and proteins are not only a vital part of the biochemistry of cells; they also play an important role in the infectious cycle of all viruses. These interactions are traditionally studied by electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). However, while EMSAs for DNA-protein interactions are quite robust, their usage in RNA-protein interaction remains limited. Existing protocols are tedious and often involve the use of expensive and dangerous radioactive reagents. Alternatively, non radioactive reagents have been developed but only at the sacrifice of accuracy due to their tendency to disrupt the very interactions they aim to study.
Gel shift assay uses fluorescent markers and specialized probe for safer, more efficient detection of RNA-protein interactions:
The laboratory of Dr. Eric Kandel (Howard Hughes Medical Institute), has developed a new technique specifically designed to detect RNA-protein interaction. By combining fluorescent markers with a specialized method for probe construction, this new gel shift assay is much safer and more efficient, allowing for faster turnaround while maintaining high rates of accuracy. Furthermore, these probes are more stable (storage up to a year), cheaper to construct, and can be used in cell lysates, allowing for their use in a more biologically relevant environment and dramatically increasing the cost effectiveness of this assay. Currently, a manuscript demonstrating the effectiveness of this assay is already being prepared for publication by Dr. Kandel. In addition, the versatility of this technology may see its adaptation to the study of DNA-protein interaction.
• Detection of novel RNA-protein interaction for laboratory studies
• Detection of novel DNA-protein interaction for laboratory studies
• High-throughput screening for novel RNA-protein binding
• Diagnostic tool for the detection of specific interactions
• Simultaneously observe RNA and proteins on the same gel
• Agarose gels and probe construction are cheaper than traditional materials
• Faster turnaround (assay time of 2-3 hours)
• Can be used on cell lysates which represents a more native environment for RNA interactions
• Safe non-radioactive probes with a longer shelf life
• Can be modified to study DNA-protein interactions
• Less labor intensive
Patent Status: Copyright
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support