Asymmetric molecules with non-superimposable mirror images serve as important building blocks in synthetic organic chemistry and can be produced using silacycle reagents. This technology describes allylic silacycle reagents that can selectively add carbon substituents called allyls to one side of an aldehyde molecule to produce asymmetric allylic alcohols. These reagents are also capable of asymmetric allyl addition to other organic compounds such as aldols and hydrazines.
Compared to other reagents for asymmetric allyl addition, silacycle reagents are less expensive to prepare, more stable and less toxic. Therefore, silacycle reagents can be prepared and stored in advance of performing reactions. Silacycle starting reagents are also easily separated from their allylic products. Finally, silacycle reagents can be broadly used for asymmetric allyl additions to different functional groups.
The high yield and selectivity of silacycle reagents has been demonstrated with a range of different organic compound starting materials.
Patent Issued (US 7,534,905)
Tech Ventures Reference: IR M02-042