Development of optical frequency combs able to emit ultrafast lasers at discrete, equally spaced intervals have broad industrial applications for use in advanced optics that require high precision. This technology combines phase modulation of a continuous wave laser source with normal dispersion silicon nitride microresonators to generate a frequency comb that is compact, optically stable, and has a broad frequency range. It is envisioned that this technology can be manufactured using standard semiconductor industrial processes and applied to a wide range of optical applications.
Silicon nitride microring resonators can be manufactured using standard semiconductor industrial processes and combined with phase modulation of a continuous wave laser source to generate frequency combs that are compact and optically stable. This technology permits widely spaced frequencies while maintaining a broad frequency range.
The technology has been characterized using direct temporal measurement and a proposal mechanism for generation of these optical combs is described.
Patent Pending
Tech Ventures Reference: CU13244, CU14025