Laser crystallization methods are widely used in the manufacturing of silicon or other semiconductor thin films for thin-film transistors (TFTs). New techniques such as Excimer Laser Annealing (ELA) and Sequential Lateral Solidification (SLS) provide improved methodologies but still lack in producing consistent uniform films and are not time efficient. This technology describes a method compatible both with ELA and SLS that allows concurrent irradiation of multiple silicon film targets without stopping the pulsing of the laser beam. This method improves microstructure uniformity and processing speed of polysilicon films relative to standard methods without increasing processing costs associated with continuous laser operation.
This technology employs optics to split and direct laser beams at multiple film targets eliminating the need to stop the laser while a new film is loaded onto the processing stage. Uninterrupted operation of the laser prevents reduction in the pulsed beam stability that can degrade the uniformity of crystallization and electrical performance of the resulting polycrystalline film. Since the beams are constantly irradiating films, the costs of wasted laser pulses ordinarily associated with continuous laser operation are eliminated. Irradiation of multiple targets in parallel can also speed up the manufacturing process.
Patent Pending (US 20140001164)
Tech Ventures Reference: IR M03-052