This technology is a protein purification system that uses soft nanopores to capture, denature, and then re-fold misfolded proteins and aggregates.
Misfolded proteins and their aggregates are detrimental both in the human body and during recombinant protein synthesis. Prevailing protein purification methods are often protein-specific or require optimization of multiple parameters for effectiveness. Methods for filtering misfolded proteins often face issues of protein aggregation, lack specificity and do not enable the protein to unravel and refold to its correct state. As such, there is a need for a high-throughput method to capture and refold misfolded proteins that is compatible with a variety of proteins.
This technology is a protein filtration material composed of soft nanopores lined with hydrophobic polymers that interact selectively with misfolded proteins. As misfolded proteins generally have a more hydrophobic surface than wild-type proteins, the misfolded proteins are attracted to the hydrophobic interior of the nanopore. Interactions of the misfolded proteins with the hydrophobic polymers encourages unfolding, thereby allowing the protein to refold into the correct, native state upon exiting the material. Compared to existing methods, this technology provides a high-throughput method for filtering and refolding misfolded proteins and aggregates using a tunable soft nanopore.
Patent Pending
IR CU16347, CU16348
Licensing Contact: Beth Kauderer