Columbia Technology Ventures

Swept, Confocally-Aligned, Planar Excitation (SCAPE) Microscopy Using a Graded-Index (GRIN) lens for deep tissue imaging

This technology, GRIN-SCAPE, is a high-speed microscopy approach for imaging deep 3D tissue dynamics in awake, freely behaving animals that combines Swept, Confocally-Aligned Planar Excitation (SCAPE) microscopy with a Graded-Index (GRIN) lens.

Unmet Need: Microscopy approach for imaging deep tissue 3D cell dynamics

Current live tissue imaging approaches are limited to either two-dimensional detection of single cell types in a plane, or mounted camera recordings that captures a limited volume of tissue. 2D imaging captures a limited volume of tissue, making cell identification challenging. There is an unmet need for 3D live imaging technology that can more accurately capture cell-cell interactions and the dynamic nature of neuronal signaling.

The Technology: Three-dimensional deep tissue technique for high-speed multispectral imaging of cellular activity

This technology, GRIN-SCAPE, is a microscopy approach combining gradient index (GRIN) lenses with high-speed 3D microscopy to improve the spatial resolution and specificity of in vivo imaging. The system is designed to reduce light loss between objectives, allowing for higher resolution deep tissue imaging. For example, single cells and fine processes can be imaged in a cleared intact whole brain sample, allowing for a large 3D field of view through several layers of brain tissue. This platform therefore allows for in vivo 3D imaging of cell populations in their native tissue environment.

This technology has been validated with in vivo mouse models.


  • Three-dimensional imaging of live animal brains
  • Imaging compatible with CLARITY cleared mice
  • Imaging of multiple cell types in 3D
  • Research and clinical tool to measure brain activity and for therapeutic development
  • Neuronavigational tool to target brain stimulation or surgery
  • Tool for measuring cell interactions and structure in 3D space
  • Imaging research tool for optogenetic manipulation
  • GRIN lens could be used for activating/silencing cortical activity via beam steering
  • Future application could include drug delivery and other perturbations using adapted system


  • High-speed imaging
  • Three-dimensional imaging
  • Multiple cell types imaged
  • Compatible with existing GRIN imaging technologies
  • Can be used on freely moving animals
  • Deep brain structure imaging
  • Large field of view
  • Multi modal imaging compatibility

Lead Inventor:

Elizabeth M. C. Hillman, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending (US20240085681)

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