Columbia Technology Ventures

Taurine supplements to promote healthy aging

This technology is a method for increasing the healthy lifespan in aging populations.

Unmet Need: Tractable methods for enhancing healthy aging and extending the lifespan

Certain pharmaceutical compounds and xenomolecules have been suggested to improve quality of life and extend longevity in the elderly. However, these treatments have not been fully validated for their efficacy and safety in clinical populations.

The Technology: Safe, all-natural taurine supplements for health and longevity

This technology enhances bodily function during aging and extends the lifespan. Taurine levels naturally decline during aging, and this deficiency is associated with increased morbidity and reduced organ function. Through dietary supplementation of taurine, this technology reduces senescence and extends the lifespan to promote healthy aging in older populations.

This technology has been validated in preclinical murine and primate models of aging.


  • Dietary supplement to enhance healthy aging
  • Medication to extend the lifespan
  • Preventative for age-related pathologies
  • Research tool for studying aging


  • Effective method of extending longevity
  • Safe, non-toxic dietary supplementation
  • Can prevent a range of aging-related pathologies

Lead Inventor:

Vijay K. Yadav, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending

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