Therapeutic for GUK1-mutant mitochondrial DNA depletion-deletions syndrome

This technology is a treatment for GUK1-associated mitochondrial DNA depletion-deletions syndrome (MDDS), targeting nucleotide metabolism for DNA repair and replication.

Unmet Need: Effective therapeutics for mitochondrial DNA depletion-deletion syndromes (MDDS)

Mitochondrial DNA depletion-deletion syndromes (MDDS) are a rare collection of diseases that are characterized by reductions or deletions of mitochondrial DNA, displaying a broad range of pathologies that affect a wide range of organ systems throughout the body depending on the specific mutation. There are currently no available FDA-approved therapeutics for these syndromes; current treatment options focus on palliative care but fail to address the underlying mitochondrial dysfunction and DNA instability caused by dysfunctional nucleotide metabolism.

The Technology: Therapeutic targeting nucleotide pool imbalance in GUK1-mutant MDDS

This technology identifies GUK1 mutations as a driver for a unique form of mitochondrial DNA depletion-deletion syndrome (MDDS) and proposes a therapeutic strategy of delivering deoxyguanosine, forodesine, or a combination of both to restore nucleotide metabolism. Correcting the nucleotide imbalance facilitates proper mitochondrial DNA repair and replication, addressing the root cause of mitochondrial dysfunction in GUK1-mutant MDDS. Additionally, this technology introduces novel mouse models of GUK1-mutant MDDS, essential for studying pathology and testing therapeutic interventions that cannot be evaluated in mouse models.


  • Treatment for MDDS and other diseases characterized by unbalanced nucleotide pools
  • Treatment for peripheral neuropathy and leukoencephalopathy
  • Mouse model for MDDS and other diseases characterized by unbalanced nucleotide pools
  • Mouse model for GUK1-associated diseases


  • Wide application for GUK1-mutant MDDS
  • Clinically relevant animal models for more accurate study of MDDS
  • Efficient treatment to target nucleotide pool imbalance

Lead Inventor:

Michio Hirano, M.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending(WO/2019/028108)

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