Lead Inventors: Ragan Robertson, Ph.D.; John Dittmar
Technology Transfer Offices Need Integrated Technology Data Platform For Ease of Access
As part of their typical operations, technology transfer offices at universities and companies need to be able to integrate technology data from various sources and provide their staff with the ability to easily view and query it.
Web-Based Interface and Software Infrastructure to Support Multiple Technology Transfer Services
The technology is a web-based interface and software infrastructure for supporting technology transfer activities at a university or company technology transfer office. The technology utilizes several Java and Perl programs to merge data from different databases into a single MySQL database. The web interface uses CFML (for ColdFusion) to query the MySQL database and present the data to users. Technology transfer office staff may use the interface to access data for which they are responsible, view reports on specific metrics and statistics, and request a variety of services.
• The technology can be used to provide access to data used in technology transfer office operations. Data may be queried using customized reports.
• Compared to similar software systems, the technology provides users with easier access to data and facilitates development and cost-effective customization of the software.
Patent Status: Patent Pending
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing or Sponsored Research Support