This technology is an algorithm for analyzing cardiac output and airflow signals during ventilation to suppress autotriggering of the ventilator, which can lead to patient hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis.
Mechanical ventilation for anesthesiology or critical care applications can autotrigger in response to airflow fluctuations caused by cardiac contractions, resulting in patient hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis. This can result in inaccurate clinical evaluation of respiratory performance and several alkalosis-induced symptoms, including nausea, tremors, and numbness in the hands and feet. Current ventilator software cannot automatically suppress cardiogenic autotriggering.
This technology is software that uses a signal separation algorithm that separates cardiac and airflow signals to suppress autotriggering in response to cardiac contractions. This algorithm functions rapidly for real-time patient care applications. The output of the algorithm is the patient’s respiratory signal with the cardiac artifact subtracted for accurate ventilation and clinical evaluation of respiratory airflow. As such, this real-time algorithm can be used to analyze patient airflow waveforms and reduce ventilator autotriggering in operating rooms and ICUs.
IR CU24309
Licensing Contact: Kristin Neuman