Columbia Technology Ventures

Bacterial strain for improved protein production

This technology is a modified bacterial model for improved expression and production of proteins.

Unmet Need: More efficient strains of E. coli for protein expression and production

Commonly used models for protein expression and production include models derived from bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells. Escherichia coli is a popular model due to its fast growth kinetics, easy cell culture, and fast and easy transformation with exogenous DNA. However, these expression models often result in low protein yields of unstable proteins.

The Technology: Modified BL21(DE3) E. coli strain with improved protein yield

This technology is a modified bacterial model for expression and production of protein. By modifying the BL21(DE3) model, it has an improved yield and can produce unstable proteins. By increasing the production yield, this technology has the potential to increase efficiency in protein production projects.


  • Protein production
  • Protein expression
  • Development of new bacterial strains
  • Tool for genetic engineering


  • Reliable recombinant protein production
  • Higher yield than current strains
  • Can produce unstable proteins

Lead Inventor:

Max E. Gottesman, M.D., Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Issued(US10,745,730)

Patent Issued(US11,624,081)

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