Columbia Technology Ventures

Berberine for prevention and treatment of myopia

This technology employs a topical or systemic administration of berberine and its derivatives as a method to prevent and treat myopia.

Unmet Need: Treatment and prevention of myopia

The prevalence of myopia is increasing worldwide and current treatment options for myopia are limited. Currently available optics-based treatment options include optical correction with spectacles and contact lens that slow myopia progression, but do not prevent pathological complications (blinding) associated with the disease. Other options include orthokeratology and atrophine eye drops that have either low efficacy or involve serious adverse effects. There is a great need for more effective treatment options that are safe, particularly for children.

The Technology: Berberine as an effective anti-myopia drug with minimal or no side effects

This technology is a method to prevent and treat myopia in children and young adults with berberine or its derivatives. The treatment can be administered as an injectable, through contacts, or eye drops. This anti-myopia drug will be able to treat myopia at early stages, prevent blinding pathological complications, and may make eyeglasses and contact lenses obsolete. Overall this technology is an effective anti-myopia drug with minimal or no side effects that can be utilized in children and young adults.

This technology has been validated in mice.


  • Pharmacological treatment for myopia
  • Prophylactic for myopia prevention in individuals with genetic predisposition
  • Prevention of macular degeneration, blindness, and glaucoma
  • Research tool for studying the mechanisms behind pathological or healthy eye development
  • Drug replacement for glasses and contacts


  • Minimal side effects
  • Effective in children and young adults
  • Treats myopia at early stages
  • Prevents blinding and pathological complications of myopia

Lead Inventor:

Andrei V. Tkatchenko, M.D., Ph.D.

Patent Information:

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