This technology is a fluorenone compound that treats gout by increasing urinary excretion of uric acid.
Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis, in which buildup of uric acid in the blood deposits as monosodium urate crystals in tissues, leading to leads to joint aches, painful swelling, and localized inflammation. Treatment of gout focuses on lowering uric acid levels in the blood, primarily with compounds that inhibit the production of uric acid. Of the 8 million gout patients in the US, one-third of patients on urate-lowering therapy continue to experience multiple flare-ups annually, indicating a need for alternative therapeutic approaches.
This technology describes a fluorenone compound that has been demonstrated to increase the secretion of uric acid in preliminary clinical data. In contrast to existing treatment options that seek to lower uric acid levels by inhibiting production, this technology increases the rate of renal excretion to significantly reduce serum uric acid levels. As such, this technology provides an alternative approach to the treatment of gout that may augment or supplant current therapeutics.
This technology has been demonstrated to significantly reduce serum levels of uric acid in preliminary clinical trials.
Patent Pending (WO/2017/083652)
IR CU15291
Licensing Contact: Kristin Neuman