This technology is a compact ultra-precise atomic clock for integration in distributed GPS and network-based measurement systems.
Location systems such as GPS rely on optical atomic clocks for precise time measurement. Current clocks are relatively large and require operation in specialized laboratory settings. Their limitations in time precision and signal-to-noise ratio make them unsuitable for broader applications that would benefit from a network of ultra-precise atomic clocks. There is a need for new architectures that enable ultra-precise clocks in a robust and compact form factor for wide deployment.
This technology is a compact atomic clock based on ultranarrow clock transitions of Strontium ions. Time precision is enhanced by the use of optical tweezer arrays, with up to 1000 sites for atom measurements. This setup significantly reduces the clock footprint, while improving robustness and signal-to-noise ratio. The compact size allows integration in widely distributed systems, such as high precision location systems.
Patent Pending
IR CU23163
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel