Columbia Technology Ventures

Complete amplitude and phase spatial light modulation via miniature optical resonators

This technology is an integrated photonic circuit which modulates the amplitude and phase of optical signals in both visible and communication frequency bands, with applications in consumer electronics and wireless communications.

Unmet Need: Ability to tune outgoing signals and decode modulation of incoming signals

Current optical modulation methods have limited ability to encode and decode optimal signals. Existing optical modulation paradigms such as radar systems and laser resonators are bulky, or tuned for a very specific and narrow modulation. The ability to dynamically tune optical signals with higher precision may lead to disruptive innovation in the consumer electronics field, the wireless communications field, and more.

The Technology: Photonic circuit enables tunable amplitude and phase of optical signals

This integrated photonic circuit technology allows for complete and simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation of optical signals in the visible and communication frequency bands. This technology leverages microscale devices to modulate light, making use of the thermo-optic, electro-optic and carrier-concentration field effects. The over-coupling and critical-coupling regime are exploited to achieve near complete phase and amplitude modulation, offering improved tuneability compared to already existing devices. Furthermore, this technology utilizes low power consumption, leaves a small energy footprint, and operates with a high modulation speed.


  • Hologram displays
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality glasses
  • Robot vision guidance and automation
  • Modular tool for spectroscopy, laser-generation, and atomic-scale study
  • LIDAR-on-a-chip
  • Smart coatings for energy efficiency
  • Optical network-on-chip (ONoC) for optical communication and processing


  • High precision, tune-able amplitude/phase modulation
  • Extended range of phase (0 – near 360°) and amplitude (0 – 100%) modulation
  • Low power consumption
  • Fast operation speed
  • Modular alternative to previously bulky or domain-specific devices
  • Flexible configuration for projector and detector use-case, at multiple wavelengths

Lead Inventor:

Nanfang Yu, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Status

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