Lead Inventors:
Thomas Jessell, PhD, Hynek Wichterle, Ivo Lieberam
Spinal Motor Neuron Deterioration Causes Neurological Disorders:
The degeneration of spinal motor neurons is the underlying factor of a large number of neurological disorders. In order to find treatments for these conditions, it is necessary to understand the development pathways of progenitor cells into motor neurons. Further, an understanding of how to induce stem cells to differentiate into neurons is needed. If a method can be developed to control the differentiation of stem cells into specific neuronal cells, more insight will be obtained into the neuron regeneration process and a reliable source of motor neurons will be available.
Embryonic Mouse Stem Cells Differentiated into Spinal Motor Neurons:
This technology is a method for the directed differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into spinal motor neurons. Mouse embryonic stem cells are grown and then, given the proper developmentally relevant signal factors, are induced to differentiate into spinal progenitor cells. Once the stem cells have become spinal progenitor cells, they can be further induced to differentiate into motor neurons. The signals provided and the differentiation process is the same as the process followed in vivo. These motor neurons can then be introduced into an embryonic spinal cord and reincorporated into the living system.
• Production of mouse motor neurons from stem cells
• Isolation of genetically marked mouse motor neurons
• Re-introduction of motor neurons into the spinal cord to monitor synaptic differentiation to gain insight into regenerative abilities
• Mouse studies utilizing this method may offer insight into the treatment of neuron degenerative diseases
• This is a rational approach for directing the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into one specific type of cell
• This technology offers a way to produce pure mouse motor neurons
Patent Information:
Licensing Status: Available for Licensing and Sponsored Research Support
""Directed Differentiations of Embryonic Stem Cells into Motor Neurons,"" Cell, Volume 110, Issue 3, August 9, 2002