Columbia Technology Ventures

Energy-efficient continuous-time digital signal processing system

This technology is a method to implement feedback loops in continuous-time digital processors (CT-DSPs) for improved signal processing.

Unmet Need: Continuous-time digital system for signal processing

Current CT-DSPs have advanced signal processing capabilities by being capable to continuously track event inputs. However, CT-DSPs have thus far only been implemented with feed-forward, transversal filters which have processing limitations. One potential reason for this is that high-order transversal filters request a large number of delay blocks, which consume a large amount of power and chip area. Currently, there are no efficient high-order filters that are both area- and energy-efficient, which are needed to expand signal processing capabilities.

The Technology: Energy efficient continuous-time digital system for effective signal processing

This technology is a CT-DSP system implemented with separate timing and data paths. This CT-DSP system can apply an event-grouping and detection method that can be used in feedback systems with propagation delays. By implementing event-detection into a feedback loop of a continuous-time digital system, the system can automatically stop when there is no event in the system and commence operation when new events are detected by the system, increasing its energy-efficiency. As a result, this technology offers improved signal processing capabilities with increased selectivity, robust frequency response to delay line mismatches, and is efficient in its hardware use.


  • Signal-processing systems for audio systems
  • Signal-processing systems for RF receivers
  • Feedback loop system for PID controllers


  • Reduces hardware cost for CT-DSPs
  • Reduces power consumption
  • Expands CT-DSP performance capabilities

Lead Inventor:

Yu Chen Ph.D. (work done in Yannis Tsividis’s lab)

Patent Information:

Patent Issued

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