This technology is a cost and energy-efficient membrane-less bioreactor for the effective treatment of solid waste.
Current methods for solid waste treatment involve solid-liquid separation techniques such as settling and membrane filtration. Although these techniques can extract some resources from the waste stream, they are inefficient, costly, and/or prone to fouling. The efficient recovery of valuable resources and treatment of waste will be essential as the global population continues to increase.
This technology treats solid waste through a membrane-less bioreactor that utilizes an auto-thermal aerobic digestion process. Through an optimal design that minimizes energy costs, wastewater is aerated with oxygen to form humidified air. The humidified air is then condensed to produce the clean liquid effluent with an average of 28 mg/L COD and 1.2 mg/L TSS. This process retains all solids and soluble compounds, recovering valuable resources and producing a rich fertilizer.
Ruby Lai, Ph.D.
IR CU21227, 21228
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