Columbia Technology Ventures

Flexible gait training device for real-time, user-tailored treatment

This technology is a flexible gait training device that allows real-time control of forces and moments applied to the pelvis, enabling tailored interventions for patients affected by stroke, osteoarthritis, and cerebral palsy.

Unmet Need: Precise and flexible control of pelvic motion for gait rehabilitation

Current treatment for abnormal gait includes physical therapy combined with gait training using robotic devices that focus on the pelvic region. However, the field lacks a device that allows for comprehensive control over the full range of pelvic movement without restricting natural motion. Existing devices for controlling pelvic motion in one axis fail to address the complexity of gait abnormalities resulting from decreased pelvic musculature strength.

The Technology: Robotic gait training device with real-time synchrony to user’s gait

This technology is an overground cable-driven gait training device that applies variable forces to the pelvis synchronized with the user’s gait in real-time to provide an individualized solution to address patient balance and gait impairment. The device allows for precise control over the direction, magnitude, and duration of the forces and moments applied to the patient’s waist. By determining the applied force and moment profile on the pelvis through the predicted gait cycle percentage of the user, real-time control is achieved. The technology focuses on applying frontal plane moments to the pelvis during overground walking. Additionally, it enhances the activation of the left gluteus medius (GM) muscle, which plays a crucial role in controlling pelvic obliquity during ambulation throughout the gait cycle.


  • Tool to study biomechanics and effects of targeted interventions on specific muscle groups
  • Gait training for mobility-impaired patients including patients of stroke, osteoarthritis, and cerebral palsy
  • Physical therapy aid for injury recovery
  • Occupational therapy aid for use in relearning everyday tasks
  • Mobility support device for everyday use


  • Precise and real-time control of applied forces to the waist during overground ambulation
  • Targets frontal plane pelvic rotation, enhancing range of pelvic angles in multiple planes
  • Improves muscle activation associated with controlling pelvic obliquity throughout the gait cycle

Lead Inventor:

Sunil K. Agrawal, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending

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