Columbia Technology Ventures

Framework for storage and management of large-scale neural data

This technology is a framework for efficiently storing, sending, processing, and receiving real-time data from commercial neurotech devices and wearables.

Unmet Need: Cross-compatible data framework for high-volume neurotech sensors

Current neural data pipelines are mostly developed in research environments, where the number of devices generating neural data is small, and there is no need for simultaneous data access among distributed users. Additionally, data format and transmission protocols are not efficiently designed for intensive distributed computing since time and resource constraints are not significant. Although there are commercial frameworks for high volume data, there are no current offerings specifically designed for real-time multidimensional neural data. Anticipating the aggravation of these problems on commercial neurotech devices, a new framework is needed to facilitate scalable data storage, standardization, search, and retrieval across devices.

The Technology: Neural data computing and storage framework for distributed neurotech devices

This technology provides a scalable framework for efficient storing, processing, and transmission of neural data. It employs a protocol-buffer to optimize neural data storage on time-series databases. In addition, a service-based ecosystem enables a distributed data processing pipeline, based on remote procedure call, where multiple devices can send data to be stored and processed externally. These features are implemented cross-platform so it can be used in multiple devices with different software or hardware, and is language and platform neutral. Such a framework can be used for data collection from distributed large-scale neurotech devices to train machine learning models and provide real-time services.

This technology has been validated with a neurological dataset.


  • Software ecosystem for brain-computer interfaces used in healthcare, gaming, education
  • Data processing pipeline for commercial neurotech devices
  • Neural data-based recommendation system
  • Neural data sharing platform
  • Recommendation systems
  • Research tool for development of neurotech wearables
  • Cloud storage system for neurotech wearable data


  • Cross-platform, technology agnostic
  • Support for large-scale commercial usage
  • Scalable to large datasets
  • Compact and efficient data storage
  • Integration with existing wearable devices
  • Enables fast processing and access of data
  • Supports data synchronization from different users
  • Language and platform neural

Lead Inventor:

Baihan Lin

Patent Information:

Patent Pending (US 20230344907)

Related Publications:

Tech Ventures Reference:

  • IR CU22254, CU22255, CU23007, CU23292

  • Licensing Contact: Beth Kauderer