This technology is a rapid, self-administered genetic term recognition test that can identify individuals with low genetic literacy.
Advancements in genetics are quickly making their way into mainstream healthcare, opening the doorway for revolutionary new diagnostic procedures, treatments, and direct-to-consumer services. However, lay consumers often lack a robust understanding of genetics, which can complicate the informed consent process, leading to unrealistic expectations from genetic testing, and misinterpretation of the legal protections for genetic information and against genetic discrimination. There are currently no validated tests for genetic literacy. Thus, there is an unmet need for a means to rapidly assess an individual’s genetic literacy.
This technology, Terms Associated with Genetics (TAG), is an easy-to-use questionnaire that specifically identifies low genetic literacy. Previous term recognition tests only determine general literacy and standard questionnaires for health literacy do not correlate with genetic literacy. Moreover, TAG has superior sensitivity for detecting low genetic literacy compared to the level of education and self-reported genetic knowledge. It has the potential to increase satisfaction from the informed consent process while minimizing unrealistic expectations from genetic testing by identifying patients who require additional attention and education during the informed consent process.
This technology has been validated by experts and non-experts in genetics.
IR CU19116
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez