This technology is a wound dressing consisting of hemostatic agents and biocompatible materials that can significantly reduce clotting time and stop major hemorrhaging.
Currently available wound dressings require several crucial minutes to staunch bleeding during serious trauma or arterial wounds, such as in combat or emergency situations. These conventional dressings are no more effective than gauze in reducing clotting time and are sometimes even less effective due to small size and rigidity. Furthermore, advanced bandage formulations have been linked to potentially deadly complications due to the release of clotting agents into blood circulation.
This technology consists of a synergistic combination of hemostatic agents with natural polymers to create a more effective but still flexible wound dressing. Improved hemostasis is achieved through combining chamomile and nettle with known hemostatic agents such as kaolin, chitosan, fibrinogen, and thrombin. Thus, this technology can potentially reduce mortality and morbidity of uncontrolled hemorrhaging by rapidly stemming bleeding and reducing blood loss. Additionally, this composition can be incorporated with commercially available dressing types, including gels, and combined with pharmaceutical agents for additional antimicrobial, analgesic, and/or anesthetic effects.
This technology has been validated in animal models of severe hemorrhage and found to be capable of reducing or stopping bleeding in less than one minute. Compared to gauze treatment, this technology reduced blood loss by 40-90% and increased survival from 25% to almost 100%.
Patent Pending (WO/2013/048787)
IR CU13372
Licensing Contact: Sara Gusik