This technology is a method to anneal silicon crystals using an excimer laser for producing high-quality uniform thin films.
Production of uniform silicon thin films is critical for the fabrication of thin-film transistors used in active-matrix liquid crystal display devices. Current methods for fabricating high-performance thin-film transistors are limited in their capacity for high-throughput production or produce crystalline films that feature dispersity. There is a need for a high-throughput fabrication method for monodisperse crystalline thin films for electronic display applications.
This technology uses a single excimer laser, divided into multiple beamlets with a pattern mask, to anneal silicon and produce thin films. Each beam is oriented such that crystallization is uniform throughout the entirety of the film. With the assistance of a computer-controlled translation stage, the film is moved such that all regions are exposed to the beams, ensuring complete annealing. With the controlled positioning of the film and multiple simultaneous irradiations, this technology enables rapid crystallization and annealing during fabrication. Consequently, this technology may effectively produce uniform thin film transistors for large-scale fabrication of high-performance electronic display devices.
IR M03-049
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel