This technology describes human monoclonal antibodies derived from the B cells of a case of zoonotic avian influenza virus H7N9 to treat or prevent H7N9 infections.
H7N9 infection can cause viral pneumonia and progress to acute respiratory distress, especially in older patients with underlying comorbidities. There is currently no direct antiviral for the treatment of H7N9, with inhibitors that are effective against other viral strains as the current treatment method for H7N9 patients.
This technology describes human monoclonal antibodies derived from the B cells of a resolving case of H7N9. These antibodies bind specifically to the hemagglutinin (A) of the H7N9 virus to block viral entry into cells. A series of antibodies were shown to directly neutralize the H7N9 virus in vitro and confer protection when given prophylactically.
This technology has been validated in vivo with murine viral challenges.
Patent Pending
IR CU23380
Licensing Contact: Kristin Neuman