Columbia Technology Ventures

Hybrid multi-coil technique for improving magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

This technology is a hybrid configuration of multi-coils and radiofrequency magnets that can improve clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) quality.

Unmet Need: Clinically compatible coil configuration for improving MRI sensitivity

Magnetic field inhomogeneity influences magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image quality by introducing signal dropout and distortion. Hence, magnetic field variation between regions of the brain has made brain imaging particularly difficult. To address this issue, multi-coil techniques have been developed, but current multi-coil techniques are either incompatible with standard clinical MRI machines or limited in correcting magnetic field. Therefore, a method to increase magnetic field homogeneity is still lacking for clinical uses of MRI.

The Technology: Small footprint multi-coil technique compatible with standard MRI machines

This multi-coil technique improves magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal sensitivity by increasing magnetic field homogeneity without degrading MRI signal strength. It combines standard radiofrequency and superior multi-coil magnets into one hybrid coil. Using existing radiofrequency magnets, this technique could be integrated with standard clinical MRI machines and still occupy small hardware footprint.


  • Diagnostic and prognostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of human brain
  • Diagnostic and prognostic MRI of human organs other than brain
  • Research tool for neuroscience
  • MRI of in vivo preclinical models


  • Compatible with standard clinical MRI machines
  • Small hardware footprint
  • Allows high quality brain MRI in clinical setting with standard machines
  • Beneficial for day-to-day diagnostics
  • Integrable into standard clinical workflows

Lead Inventor:

Christoph Juchem, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending

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