This technology is a hydrogel scaffold composed of polymer and fibrinogen that regenerates dental pulp as an alternative to root canal therapy.
Dental pulp is the soft, connective tissue found within teeth that provides essential nutrients and is primarily responsible for responding to tooth damage. The most commonly used treatment for dental pulp damage and inflammation is root canal therapy (RCT), in which the dental pulp is completely removed and replaced with a solid material. However, this eliminates the inherent ability of the tooth to respond to damage, making it brittle and susceptible to fracture. The alternative, pulpotomy, only partially removes pulp; however, the procedure has a low success rate and is limited to young patients, specific injuries, and the severity of the pulp infection.
This technology is a biocompatible hydrogel scaffold that can be injected into the failing tooth to replace damaged dental pulp, protect against infection, and promote tooth repair without loss of tooth vitality. The hydrogel promotes dental pulp cell growth and biosynthesis while regulating cell infiltration, migration, and morphology. It is comprised of polyethylene glycol-diacrylate that is cross-linked with fibrinogen, a glycoprotein necessary for blood clotting. The polymerization is photo-induced, making the hydrogel compatible with in vivo tooth repair, and the fibrinogen concentration can be easily modulated to direct cell response.
This technology and its ability to support dental pulp cell morphology and phenotype have been demonstrated in vitro.
Patent Issued (US 11,110,199)
IR CU14090
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez